Covid-19 Vaccination Programme- patient update 16 February 2021

Posted by: aweeks1 - Posted on:

After reaching the targets set for groups 1-4, the government have now announced the next stages of the Covid-19 vaccination programme.

Group 5 (all those 65 and over) will be invited by the NHS national booking service to attend a vaccination centre.

Group 6 (see below) will be invited by the practice as soon as clinic dates and vaccination deliveries have been confirmed. Please do not contact the practice; we will contact you by text or phone call.

Please note that Group 6 patients are not the same who receive an annual flu invitation. For example, the most recent guidance relating to asthma is ‘if you have ever had an emergency hospital admission for your asthma, or ever been prescribed three courses of steroid tablets in a three-month period’.

The group is made up of at-risk clinical groups, carers and young adults in residential settings. Please visit this link to see the current, defined list of clinical conditions:

How you can help

Thank you for your continued patience and support.

Please be assured, you will be contacted when it is your turn to be vaccinated. Please do not call the surgery.

Please attend any booked appointments.

Remember it is important to continue to follow government guidance, even after you’ve had a vaccination. This will help keep you and others around you safe from Covid-19:

Hands – wash your hands frequently

Face – use a face covering or mask

Space – keep your distance from people