Update on the COVID-19 booster programme
We will be resuming vaccinations of our patients at Dumbelton Medical Centre shortly. We are currently working with the CCG to put all of the necessary arrangements in place as quickly as possible. Once we have confirmed dates for vaccination at Dumbelton Medical Centre we will communicate them to our patients via the website and Facebook.
Once our vaccination dates are confirmed, appointments will be available for patients to book via the National Booking Service by calling 119 or going online (https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/coronavirus-vaccination/book-coronavirus-vaccination/).
The NHS is working at pace to increase the availability of appointments so that there are plenty of options for people on the National Booking System. New appointments are being added every day so we encourage everyone who is aged 18 and over, is yet to have their booster and who is approaching 3 months from their second vaccine to use the National Booking System to arrange your appointment.
Booster Vaccinations for Housebound Patients
We are working with the CCG and local colleagues to provide booster vaccinations to our housebound patients before Christmas wherever possible. Patients will be contacted by phone on the day prior to their vaccination to ensure they will be available.
GP appointments:
There are no changes to any planned appointments at the surgery at the current time and patients should attend their planned appointments as normal. If we need to make any changes, we will contact you directly.
See more about the vaccination programme in Cambridgeshire & Peterborough including the vaccination services: https://www.cambridgeshireandpeterboroughccg.nhs.uk/