Why attending your review is important
A review is very important for all patients; your medication needs regular review to ensure that they are continuing to provide adequate control for your condition or symptoms and you are not suffering any potential side effects, these are often monitored through regular blood tests.
Some patients may need support to help them make the most effective use of their medicines. This may be in the way of further information and discussion, or involve practical changes to the type of medicine you are taking or the regimen you are on. These types of interventions are best undertaken when we can speak to you in person and take time to review any of your concerns or even discuss improvements in your symptoms because of the medication.
It also allows us to discuss if there is anything we can do to support you in ensuring that all your medication is taken regularly, address any concerns that you have that stop you using your medication regularly and also if there are any medications that you are no longer taking.
Please help us to provide the best care we can by making an appointment at your earliest convenience when you are contacted. If we can’t review your medication at regular intervals we may have to reduce the quantities that you collect each month or the number of repeats that you can collect before you will need to see the doctor to obtain further supplies.